Thanks Mari and Ty for inviting us!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Free Concert at the Homestead
1st Day of School
Mowing the front lawn
Kamri loves to help daddy mow the lawn. OK so she just loves to be outside with her Dad doing anything...even eating rocks or running across the road to visit the neighbor dog Daisy. She is on the go ALL the time! Can't wait for our backyard to be done so she can just run wild!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Andy visits Tahoe Yergensens

Last week I flew into Sacramento to spend a few days with Chris, Val, Lief and Liv. They picked me up at the airport and took me back to their home in Eldorado Hills. This was my first visit since they moved up to NorCal 5 years ago. I know, I am a bad brother.
I was only with them for 3 and a half days, but we crammed lots of fun into that short amount of time, and saw lots of cool things.
I think they had a fun time showing me around their community, where Chris teaches school, their house they are renting, the park, the library they go to, and tumble time.
My favorite time was seeing and playing the Empire Ranch Golf Course and Lake Tahoe, but I had lots of fun walking to the park with all of them and kicking the soccer ball around with Leafy and Chris, and swimming at Mont Bleu in Tahoe too.
Both Lief (Age 3) and Liv (Age 15 months) travel real well. The first day we were in the van for about an hour or two, but the next day we drove for about 4 -5 hours. I was also impressed by how well they listen and behave. Obviously Chris and Val are doing a great job.
On our trip to Tahoe...they took me by their house they rent out in Pollock Pines, and they showed me the golf course near their. It was Applesomething or other. What a beautiful course. I will definitely have to play there next time. After a stop for a subway we were off to Tahoe.
Chris took the long way, and although I was anxious to get to Tahoe for the gambling and swimming pool, I was glad they took me to the Rainbow Trail and to see the Emerald Bay part of Tahoe.

On the last day I was there before they took me to th airport, we went to Empire Ranch Golf Course Driving Range. I wanted to see Lief hit the golf ball.
Here is a video I took.
Anyway, it was a fun trip and really cool to see Lief and meet Liv for the first time.
Oh, I almost forgot... I bought Holly two pairs of shoes from the Pearl Izumi Outlet in Tahoe, that was a little bonus!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
So today was the big day...We got up at 4am met my brother and his wife to ride down to Provo. We checked in then hopped on a bus and away we went. We stood in line for the yucky port-a- potties and went to the starting line. It was crazy...not sure how many people, my sister-in-laws bib number was in the 2200's. Anyways, the race started late and it was down hill for the first 5 miles. I was starting to get blisters so I stopped to put some stuff on my feet. Andy had to go potty so he told me he would catch up...and he did. He was ever so kind to run with me. I had not been training very well and the farthest I had run was 6 miles so my feet were not at all prepared. I was so disappointed in myself. About mile 11 I came to a brick wall with my feet and had to walk most of way to the finish line. My brother and his wife were waiting to cheer me on and walked with us for a little bit. They suggested I take my shoes off, so I did and I wish I would have done that a long time ago. It felt so much better. So I ran the rest of the way in socks!
Right now I am lying in bed and I am really sore and I did something to my left ankle, but overall it was a great experience and a very needed learning experience! Things I learned: I need to train better (duh!), I need to wear better running socks, and I need to lube up my feet so I won't get blisters. I will do another one but I will take into consideration my learning experience and not have problems! My goal was to finish in 2 hrs 30 minutes, but since I ended up walking a lot I finished in 2 hours 42 minutes. So if I would have ran the last 2.1 miles I could have made my goal and maybe even beat it. Oh Well, it was my first one and I am just happy I finished!
Right now I am lying in bed and I am really sore and I did something to my left ankle, but overall it was a great experience and a very needed learning experience! Things I learned: I need to train better (duh!), I need to wear better running socks, and I need to lube up my feet so I won't get blisters. I will do another one but I will take into consideration my learning experience and not have problems! My goal was to finish in 2 hrs 30 minutes, but since I ended up walking a lot I finished in 2 hours 42 minutes. So if I would have ran the last 2.1 miles I could have made my goal and maybe even beat it. Oh Well, it was my first one and I am just happy I finished!
Thanks Andrew for running me and encouraging me! You are such a trooper!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Emergency Room Scare
Kamri had a fever for a day but it hadn't gotten too high. So we figured it was from teething. but in the night she sky rocketed. I took her to Andrew to hold while I went to get her medicine. He said she is way too hot we have got to take her to the emergency room. So we got our shoes on and away we went. We arrived at the emergency room and it was so quiet. They took her temperature the most accurate the bum...poor girl. Anyways, she was 104.2! To my surprise I hadn't been giving her enough medicine. So they woke the doctor up and he took a look at her said she just had virus, but they want to take blood and a urine test just in case. So we stuck a pee bag on her and sucked blood. Her white blood cell count was low but she just would not pee. (we sat there for an hour waiting) So we took her home and after a few miserable days and nights she got better. She is now back to her happy little self...running into things, getting bruises and being the happy smiley Kamri we had missed! So happy you are feeling better, my little doodle bug!
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