Sunday, July 12, 2009
Golf Tournament in Price Utah
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Catching up...
So I‘ve been a HUGE slacker when it comes to my blog. So I will try and catch up on what has been going on in our lives…where to begin?
The month of May…we went to St. George for Andy to run the Hurricane Half Marathon with my sister Mari and Ty. We hit Provo, only a half hour from home and Kamri vomits everywhere, all over her, all over the car, all over her car seat! So we hit a Kmart tried to clean it up and bought a bucket and air fresheners. She didn’t feel well the whole trip. But we had fun and it was warm and sunny which is what we needed.
The month of June…we had family come visit. Andy’s mom (Grandma Marylin) came from Texas and his brother’s family (Chris, Val, Leif (4), and Liv (2))came from California. They stayed with us for 2 weeks…which it rained most of the time. We went to the Kamas pool and we got Leif to go down the big slide by himself…we also got Grandma Marylin to go down who is deathly afraid of heights! She said it was so much fun. We were so proud of them both for taking the challenge. We also went to seven peaks and had a fun day at the water park.
We hung out a lot and watched the rain…
We have also been working on our backyard. We were hoping it would have been done by the time they arrived but it wasn’t. We are still working on the yard and it would probably have been done but the weather has not cooperated! Top soil is going down this weekend and sod comes Monday! WAHOO!
AJ and Anycia had teams that went to the Utah Summer Games. Both teams took the silver home. Great Job!
I am back at work now. I came back June 29th. It’s a hard transition to make but you gotta do what you gotta do!
Andy is working hard on the yard. He borrowed a tractor from our Bishop which was very helpful in moving the dirt around. AJ has been here to help too and he has been a great little helper! Andy is not a big handy man and he has dug trenches, put in and connected sprinkler pipe, drove a tractor and moved dirt, and set the sprinklers! I am so proud of him! He has done such a super job!
We got Anycia a job at the Dairy Keen. So she has been working a little and playing a little and getting into trouble a little. She now has a boyfriend named Paul who she hangs out with a lot. SCARY!
AJ has been here for 2 weeks. He has helped a lot on the yard and with the kids.
McKade is at his Great Grandparents house in Escalante. He got to stay for a week and is enjoying every moment. If he got his way he would have stayed all summer. He’s been fishing, feeding chickens, etc.
Jadyn just turned 7 on June 23rd. Coach Pitch just got over for her. Andy was her coach.
Kamri is talking a whole lot more and running around like a crazy girl. She tries to keep up with the older kids…and she does quite well. She is a very protective big sister and tries to help out with Kennedi.
Kennedi is a chunk! A cute little fatty! She is smiling and making more noises. She loves to be held and is spoiled rotten. (She is the baby of the family) She is now 12 weeks old.
So our summer is going great and everyone is healthy and happy! What more can we ask for…
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Grandma and Grandpa Yergensen come for a visit
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Delivery Details...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
March Madness
Andy is back from his “Boys” weekend in St. George. Which consists of golfing, gambling, golfing, and more golfing. Oh, but he also ran the Spectrum 10k with AJ.
I told him to do a trip before I had the baby because he won’t be leaving me for a while… I have never had two kids under the age of two before…two in diapers, two needing lots of attention. So he is stuck with me…poor guy! He came home exhausted…
We have bought our fun outdoor playset for the backyard that will be finished this year. I can’t wait until it is done…Kamri will have a hay day outside all summer long. She is our outdoor girl…she would live out there if she could.
I have finally passed my six hour certification test. I am now a Certified Residential Appraiser!
Andy’s last chairman meeting for his State Library Board is over too.
Anycia’s Prom is over too. It happened on Saturday March 21st. She was asked by Joe Horner to go to their Junior Prom in front of the school over the announcements in TV broadcasting!
Their date consisted of: snowmobiling in the morning, ate Café Rio for lunch, came home got ready for the dance and went and ate at a fancy ($25 and up a plate) Italian restaurant on Park City Main Street. We got to watch her promenade at the school, which was the last one at that school because they will be in the new High School next year.
It was lots of fun. Andy had never been to a promenade before. He was very impressed at how much fun prom was for the kids. He was such a proud Dad. Anycia looked beautiful and had a wonderful time on her date.
For those of you who don’t know what the promenade is…it is for the Juniors because it is the Junior Prom. Prom is for the whole High School they just don’t promenade. They learn a dance with their date to perform in front of their families. Then after their little performance they dance with their parents. Anycia danced with her dad and step dad. Then the parents leave and the kids have their prom. It is a great way to show off their dresses and make them feel super important!
So now that all the events are over (well for now anyways) we can have this little princess anytime. I was officially 36 weeks on Saturday. So the count down is on. I have always been two weeks early and I am hoping that will happen again. So the predicted date is April 4th. Just because I am hoping to go two weeks early will mean I won’t and I will probably go longer than my due date…that would be so frustrating! Oh well, the longer I wait the longer I have off in the summer time! WAHOO!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
County Basketball is over for the year!
Here is Jadyn and Kamri in the other gym. They were running around and having fun. McKade is up on top of the bleachers. He was also running around and being a goof ball.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Can Anyone Say CHEESE???
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Anniversary Night ALONE!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Time to Complain....Bare with me!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Happy Anniversary, Andrew!
I love you with all my heart and that will never change!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary (3 Years)

Monday, February 16, 2009
February 16 - SSAFC
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My Valentine!