Andy is back from his “Boys” weekend in St. George. Which consists of golfing, gambling, golfing, and more golfing. Oh, but he also ran the Spectrum 10k with AJ.
I told him to do a trip before I had the baby because he won’t be leaving me for a while… I have never had two kids under the age of two before…two in diapers, two needing lots of attention. So he is stuck with me…poor guy! He came home exhausted…
We have bought our fun outdoor playset for the backyard that will be finished this year. I can’t wait until it is done…Kamri will have a hay day outside all summer long. She is our outdoor girl…she would live out there if she could.
I have finally passed my six hour certification test. I am now a Certified Residential Appraiser!
Andy’s last chairman meeting for his State Library Board is over too.
Anycia’s Prom is over too. It happened on Saturday March 21st. She was asked by Joe Horner to go to their Junior Prom in front of the school over the announcements in TV broadcasting!
Their date consisted of: snowmobiling in the morning, ate Café Rio for lunch, came home got ready for the dance and went and ate at a fancy ($25 and up a plate) Italian restaurant on Park City Main Street. We got to watch her promenade at the school, which was the last one at that school because they will be in the new High School next year.
It was lots of fun. Andy had never been to a promenade before. He was very impressed at how much fun prom was for the kids. He was such a proud Dad. Anycia looked beautiful and had a wonderful time on her date.
For those of you who don’t know what the promenade is…it is for the Juniors because it is the Junior Prom. Prom is for the whole High School they just don’t promenade. They learn a dance with their date to perform in front of their families. Then after their little performance they dance with their parents. Anycia danced with her dad and step dad. Then the parents leave and the kids have their prom. It is a great way to show off their dresses and make them feel super important!
So now that all the events are over (well for now anyways) we can have this little princess anytime. I was officially 36 weeks on Saturday. So the count down is on. I have always been two weeks early and I am hoping that will happen again. So the predicted date is April 4th. Just because I am hoping to go two weeks early will mean I won’t and I will probably go longer than my due date…that would be so frustrating! Oh well, the longer I wait the longer I have off in the summer time! WAHOO!