Today, Andy and I had to run Kamri to the Doctor. The past week or so Kamri has been playing this little game called "Scream at the top of your lungs for 2 hours straight. " She likes to play this game every night right about bed time.
Of course we have thought we were doing things wrong, like eating spicy foods or having too much dairy. It also occurred to me that maybe she was having a different problem, like an ear-ache or something else. She is usually so happy, and calm most the day.
Wasatch Pediatric has really good Doctors. We like them all, but maybe Dr. Monica Schaffer is our favorite. Today she explained that almost all babies will go through this "cry for 2 hours" period.
Then, she went on to explain the symptoms of a colic baby and how it seemed to her that Kamri was just being a typical baby. For us, the worry was over, for Kamri, the fun was just beginning.
Dr. Schaffer took Kamri's temperature (anal) and took her weight (11 pounds now). She checked her ears, her breathing, and also checked her reflexes. Everything checked out fine. It turns out we were just being a little overprotective.
Kamri is over 6 weeks old now. Dr. Schaffer said we could count on this same routine for the next 6 weeks or so. Oh joy!
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