Friday, May 2, 2008

Anycia went to Prom

Our little girl...I mean our big sweet 16 year old, Anycia went to Prom! She was a little nervous and scared about this being her first date and all, but I think over all it was a great experience for her. She never went on the day date because she chose to play in her soccer game instead. She went with a boy named Christian who picked her up at 8 (she looked absolutely beautiful), they went to get the other dates and went up to Daniels Summit Lodge for dinner. Came back to the dance for pictures and some dancing and then went to Christians home and watch a movie. She arrived home a little after midnight (yes she was a little late on curfew...she even called and asked to stay out until 12:30, but the mean parents we are said "SORRY!"). Anyways, she is growing up and is a beautiful young lady and we are so proud of her!


Shelley Eggett said...

You big mean Mom you. Dance Dates were the only dates my parents actually let me stay out later than 12:00. I can't really figure out why. I was asking some of the Young Women in my ward about their dates, and they all got to stay out late too on prom night. That really is a wierd tradition.

Good for you though, nothing good happens after midnight anyways, right?

My Name said...

I had so much hairspray I could have sat through a tornado and had perfect curls. Prom was wierd. Let's just say that was a once in a lifetime experience.

Steven and Whitney said...

Weren't those the days? She looks beautiful and I LOVE her hair color! It's funny that I can see you more on your blog than I see you around (we live pretty close). I must admit I'm quite the blogstalker. Gear up for softball season--those men, I mean boys are diehards! See you there!

bonnerbunch said...

She does look so pretty! How is it dealing with a teenager? I am not looking forward to that! I wish I could catch that runners bug! I have never been able to run very long! Your baby sure is cute! It's fun watching her grow with Dax! said...

I found your blog from Ali's. It's been a long time! I thought it would be fun to say "Hi". You look wonderful and happy. Good for you! And way to go with the running bug. I'm actually running Provo River too!
Good to talk to you.
Amber (Hoelzer) Taylor