Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Mari, 10 weeks after having her baby! GO MARI! (she kicked my butt)
Erin, the fitness guru who got this all started!
Megan and I turning for a photo because they missed us coming in!
Beverly Visentin tranistions to go biking!
The hubby and daughter supporting me!
Tricia getting high five from daughterm, Alex, son Andrue in back watching!
Amy coming in to finish! (she was crying)

The whole clan!
Me going to transition to run!
My mom...her helmet didn't fit her right!

Andy was kind enough to let me have a girls night out with those who were doing the triathlon. We met at my sister, Erin’s house to load up the bikes and take off for our adventure…we ate at the pizza factory and had pasta for our carbs. We then went to check-in and get our packets and look at the pool and drive the course. It seemed like the bike loop was forever long and we had to do it twice. The loop was up hill on one side flat across and then down hill, pretty nerve racking. We then went to target for those of us that forgot a few things like a long sleeved top just in case it was cold. We spent a good 1 ½ hours in there just piddling around. Then we went and checked into our hotel, we had to carry our bikes up the stairs so they wouldn’t get stolen. We started getting ready for bed and laughing and goofing off. We bought bandanna’s for us to wear so we had something to look like each other…but none of my sisters knew how to put it on…so I had to teach them…it was quite funny. After laying in bed and talking and giggling and talking some more we finally went sleep about 11:30 or so. Then the lovely train horn went off around 5…my sisters said it went off earlier but I didn’t hear it.

We got up to get ready, went down for half a bagel and left for the event. We arrived with bells on setting up our transition area, got our numbers tattooed on us and got our racing chip. We then stripped to our bathing suits and walked over to the pool…it wasn’t very cold at all…Megan, Mari, and I started in line at the 9 minute mark, but once we started telling people we swam the side stroke and they were laughing at us we decided to move back by my mom, sister Amy and Trish Holmes. Which we shouldn't have because we passed half the people. We might do the side stroke, but we are FAST!!! So after getting dunked under by a lady while swimming, I jumped out and went to the transition area to get ready for the bike...put my clothes on, shoes on, helmet on, and took my bike to the road to start the biking (5 minute transition...slow, slow, slow) the first loop wasn't so bad but the second one was a killer going up those hills back to the transition took off my helmet, hung my bike back up and off for the run. I ran until the hills got steep then I walked up the first hill, ran again, walked up the second hill, ran until I caught up to Megan and we ran to the finish together! I would have to say this was the most fun event I have ever done...ok so I haven't done many but it was a blast! I will now do more...and more...and more!

The Women of Steel that did this event was Erin (sister, she talked us all into it), Me, Megan (sister), Marianne (sister), Amy (sister), My 57 year old Mother, Bev Visentin and Trish Holmes!

If you have ever thought about doing a triathlon this Women of Steel one is fabulous! I would recommend it to anyone and everyone! Can't wait for the next one to come along!

Oh by-the-way this triathlon consisted of 400 meter swim, 11.5 mile bike, 3 mile run!


I have been slacking on my reason is the tax roll at work is due on friday and we are busting our butts to get this done...another is they have blocked blogspot from our computers at now I can't take a break and write or look up any. SO SAD!
Recently we have had our water line break...Andy went to turn on the water for our sprinklers and I guess he is HEMAN because he broke the pipe! Water came gushing out and we had to call Heber City Emergency water line for help. That was a Sunday we were without water starting Sunday night...Monday Andrew and I stayed home to dig it up...yep we dug a whole that was about 4 ft by 4 ft...lots of work but it was fun to work together. We capped off the water line because we have to connect to secondary anyways...we waited 4 hours and tried to turn it back on but not water was coming out...then here it came...drizzling. Our pressure was we called Heber City water again and they came by and said sounds like you have pebbles and rocks in your line. You will have to call a plumber. So Tuesday rolled around without water and we finally got Roto Rooter there to help...they were dumb. We told them that we thought there were rocks in the line and it just needed cleaned out...but they were insisting that there was no pressure at all. So after they told us the options of digging up our main line and it costing oodles of money they checked the valve in our basement and sure enough there was dirt and rocks in our line...So we had running dirty water in our house...but we had water and that was SUPER!!! It all got cleaned out within an hour and we were happy campers!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Anycia went to Prom

Our little girl...I mean our big sweet 16 year old, Anycia went to Prom! She was a little nervous and scared about this being her first date and all, but I think over all it was a great experience for her. She never went on the day date because she chose to play in her soccer game instead. She went with a boy named Christian who picked her up at 8 (she looked absolutely beautiful), they went to get the other dates and went up to Daniels Summit Lodge for dinner. Came back to the dance for pictures and some dancing and then went to Christians home and watch a movie. She arrived home a little after midnight (yes she was a little late on curfew...she even called and asked to stay out until 12:30, but the mean parents we are said "SORRY!"). Anyways, she is growing up and is a beautiful young lady and we are so proud of her!