Thursday, December 25, 2008

Santa came! WAHOO! Santa came!

So Santa arrived with lots of presents for everyone. He even sent a text message on Christmas Eve to AJ and Anycia's cell phone telling all of them to get to bed because he was on his way. Santa is so so smart.
Our Christmas was lots of fun. All the kids were awake before we were. They had counted presents and compared the sizes of them. They finally came up and looked at their stockings. and then we came down to open presents. AJ, Anycia, and Andrew have this fun game they try and play...who can save their gift to the very last...Drives me CRAZY! I finally told them if they don't start opening their presents I would do it for them. Andy won the game...he usually does because he is the Dad. Kamri was much more fun this year...she liked to open presents and move to the next one.
Andrew got shoes, pants, shirt, 3 books, running socks, jacket
I got purse, shirt, cami, shoes, $100 gift card to all that stuff in the barn
Anycia got a Laptop, jacket, book, camera case, twilight CD, Bra, and matching undies.
AJ got running shoes, nike shoes, shirts, pants, pullover, hover soccer,
McKade got a bike, shoes, pants, shirt, jacket, webkinz, game, wii game
Jadyn got a bike, shoes, pants, shirt, sweater, doll, phonics game, webkinz
Kamri got a kitchen, elmo baby, 2 outfits, books, bath toy
All in all we all had a fabulous Christmas!
Santa was very generous this year and we are all so grateful and happy with what we received...well I am anyways. Here is my sexy Husband showing off a present he got from AJ. Say Cheese!
Here is AJ opening one of his presents from Santa. Under Armour half zip pullover.

Anycia opening her new Laptop...a surprise she didn't expect from Santa and us. This is her Christmas and Birthday present!
This is Jadyn's new bike with the girls on it. Kamri loved to sit on it and say VROOM VROOM.
Here is McKade with his Webkinz Bull Dog. This gift was from Kamri (Andy picked it out and I believe it was his favorite). His new bike is behind him also.

Here is Kamri playing the snow...she loved it. Andy was out there with her and said she would fall down and jut whimper until he would help her up.
Andy and Kamri in the first snow fall that actually stayed.
Kamri will eat and have a bath (or Bap according to her) and come back to the table and eat again if we haven't cleaned it up. She does this quite often...I think she feels like a big kid if she can do it herself on a big chair.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Family Photos

We took family photos back in July at my brother-in-law's family cabin. So I thought I would post some photos of the BIG Thacker Fam-Dam-ly! My Cute family
The 5 Girls born within 10 months of each other.
All the Grand kids at the time (there is one more now)
And the LARGE family! Yep that is all of us...Amazing isn't it?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Photos from the surprise party...

Andy getting ready to Blow out his 40 candles!
Andy and Kamri eating Cake!
Anycia trying to get balloons down for the kids.
Megan trying to get balloons down.
Jadyn dressing up in the Hula outfit!
Andy being a good sport dressing up in the hula girl outfit!