Thursday, March 5, 2009

County Basketball is over for the year!

Here it Kamri climbing up and down the bleacher steps. Which doesn't last too long then we have to go play in the hallway and luckily the other gym was open and she could run in there...She doesn't stay still...wiggle wiggle wiggle all the time. Usually hopping (we call her hopper) or running around!
Here is Jadyn and Kamri in the other gym. They were running around and having fun. McKade is up on top of the bleachers. He was also running around and being a goof ball.
Here is my gansta husband playing basketball. They lost the championship being tied with 4 seconds left in the game. Andy threw the ball in bounds to Rocki, then Rocki tried to get it back to Andy but it got stolen and they scored and the game was over! SORRY BOYS! It was a good game and they should have won. They were dominating the game.
Andy played great! 3 pointers and free throw shooting...SWOOSH! Good Job Baby!
Flag football is still going on til the end of March then kiddie soccer comes mid April and Coed Softball in May! Sports are never ending in our house. But what can I say we love it! BUSY BUSY BUSY!

1 comment:

Kirstin said...

So when is your official due date? You are getting really close aren't you? I read your post about you fearing things about this pregnancy... You will do great and things will all work out fine. I can't believe this will be your fourth... You always look so great after having a kid... I pray at 3 or 4 I still look so good! Good luck and congrats again... I love reading how happy you are.... You deserve all of it!