Tuesday, October 7, 2008

3 Months Along, Due April 18th!

Just wanted to let you all know that I am 3 months pregnant! This little one will the finale, the caboose, the last hurrah, the end, book closed! We will have a total of six kids, Anycia-16, AJ-14, McKade-9, Jadyn-6, Kamri-1, and now little baby! We are very excited. When we told the kids here are their responses:
McKade-"Can we have twin boys?"
Jadyn-"I hope its a girl, boys are mean!"
Kamri-too young to understand
When I told my parents I gave them a riddle:
What do these two problems have in common?
19+1=20 (total grandchildren my parents will have)
1+5=6 (total kids Andy and I will have)
They both got it right away.
So I thought my siblings would figure it out too...so I text them all with the same riddle. Only one of my sisters got the answer. The rest of them said 1, +, =. I just laughed at them and told them. I never give them a riddle or problems to figure out so I figured they would get it...but nope.
Anyways, Andy and I are excited and can't wait to see if it is a boy or a girl. I don't care either way. Andy wants a boy, but don't most men? So we have a bet. I keep telling him it will be a boy and he keeps saying it will be a girl. So if it is a girl he gets $1000 to do what he pleases with. and if it is a boy then he has doubled it, I get $2000 to do as I please! I get the better deal!
So we will find out the beginning of December!


Steven and Whitney said...

OMG!!!! Congratulations you two! Holly you will be done before I ever even get started. That's a depressing thought for me. . .

Andy Yergensen said...

I seriously have no idea what happened.
Oh wait.

Just kidding. Thanks Whit.

Shelley Eggett said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting - you are one busy Mom. I can't wait to see what your having either.

Erin said...

Yay! Congrats! That is so exciting, and it will be fun to find out what this little finale will be!

tyalpabr said...

Hurray!! This little baby is so lucky to have such a great mom! Congrats to the whole family!