Monday, April 30, 2012

Coed Softball Tournament Toys for Tots

Andy got a phone call from some friends from Heber asking him to play in a softball tournament because they had some people bailout on them. It was a toys for tots charity softball tournament consisting of 83 teams. Everyone on the team donates a $10 toy for charity. That is 830 toys or $8300 worth of toys! WOWZA! That is so awesome!

Anyways, the games started Friday night. They had 2 games, won one and lost one. But they had a girl playing that was 7 months pregnant and she wasn’t doing to hot at the second game. So Andy offered to her that I could take her place if she wasn’t feeling well tomorrow. Yep, she wasn’t feeling so well so we got the call for me to play. I hadn’t played in probably 3 ½ years. I struck out the first time but hit each time I was up after that. I was so proud of myself! (Yes, I am lame!) It was lots of fun and I got to play 2 games with my awesome hubby and our kids watched and cheered us on!

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