Monday, July 28, 2008


We went up to my sisters and brother-in-laws family cabin for the weekend for a family camp out and family photo.
We arrived Friday night around 9. My brother set up one of our tents and we bought another one…our family is just too big for one! After that we sat by the fire and tried to do the one word story around the circle…it was pretty fun with ages 5-57 playing makes it real interesting.
We woke up the next morning made breakfast and the kids played in the river and floated down it. Some jumped into the “hole”. It took their breath away but they did again…
After lunch around 3 it was time to start getting ready for the BIG family picture. Yes everyone in my family, my parents, and siblings and their families! It was quite interesting trying to get about 35 people ready in a one bathroom cabin. But we did it!
After the family photo we ate Dutch oven dinner! Chicken, Potatoes, and Cobbler! How come when you camp all you feel like you do is eat n eat n eat! I made a butt load of muddy buddies and they were all gone in about 5 hours of everyone munching on them. My sister made a really big 7 layer dip and it was gone in about 15 minutes…we must have been hungry! It was all really good yummy food!
Sunday, we all started packing up…kids played in the river again. We had a bunch of fun being together as a family and just hanging out! Can’t wait to do it again next year!


All the Grandkids together!

All 5 baby girls born within 10 months of each other

Anycia and AJ, say CHEESE!

Our little family waiting to get a big group shot!
Jadyn floating the river!
McKade surfing the river!
Anycia and Kamri just chillin'!
Jake and Jadyn floating together!

Grandma Jacquie even floated the river!
Andrew jumping in the "hole"!
AJ jumping in too!
Then Anycia did it!

After a morning run I got a cheeser!
Kamri and Daddy floating together!
Anycia and Kamri playing in the river!
Zak and Cooper trying to fish...

McKade, Jadyn, Maddie, and Seder wanting to go floating.
The breakfast cooks.
The boys floating the river, McKade fell off his tube!

All in all it was a blast! A few little cousin fights that got solved right away. Nobody got hurt and we all had fun!
Our first camping experience together as a family was an over all successful event!


Shelley Eggett said...

That river looks so fun - It brings back so many memories of floating down the canal. Isn't it fun trying to get a good picture of such a big group. You guys are double the size of ours and I know how hard it is with our family. I love that picture of all the little babies - How fun to have so many little cousins, so close in age. You look great Holly!

tyalpabr said...

What a fun family trip!! Looks like you guys had such a great time. Your kids are getting so big!