Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I got the BUG!!!

So I think I got the runners bug...or the exercise bug...or whatever you want to call it...I got it! It all started with the Biggest Loser my family was doing (still doing it) and my husband decided that I should set a goal and run a race...so I was training for a 5k. Then my sister Erin decides that her sisters need to do the Women of Steel Triathlon (May 17) so I am signed up and ready to go...I think. Now my next goal for me is to run the Provo River Half Marathon (August 9)...I will train for it and either finish or just lay on the side of the road and crash. My supportive husband has agreed to run it with me by my side the whole time...encouraging me as long as I will run the Swiss Days 10k, so that will be the next one! So yep I think I got it...the Bug that is!

So for all of you people who think you can't go out and run a race...you gotta try you just might get the bug!!!

1 comment:

Shelley Eggett said...

Oh My goodness!!! You are so brave. I've never ran more than 2 miles at once in my entire life. I just don't think I have it in me, or else I'm just not willing to experience that kind of pain :)